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Scientific activity > Scientific trends
Scientific trends



Scientific-research work on Department of System Design (SD) is performed by professor-lecturer staff, Department postgraduates, and also collaborators of scientific-research part. In organization sense, executors of scientific-research projects work in structure of Department of Information Resources of scientific-research part of educational-scientific complex 'Institute for Applied System Analysis'. Department is headed by the head of SD Department, Doctor of Engineering, professor, Honored Science and Techniques Worker, Laureate of State Prize of Ukraine A.I. Petrenko.


The main scientific problems which are solved at executing scientific research in direction

Scientific schools, scientific collectives (Name, head, period of activity)

List of specialties after which scientific personnel is trained(Code of specialty, its name)

List of specialties after which specialists with higher education are trained(Code of specialty, its name)

Design computerization, creation of distributed program-technical design complexes, creation of information multimedia resources for providing design and education processes

1. Pioneering mathematical methods for building technical and social-economical objects, optimization of their parameters and characteristics.
2. Collective design in information Internet environment.
3. Methodology for organization of program-technical complexes of computer design.
4. Applying multimedia and Web technologies for realization of network collective design and education.
5. Computer design of integrated circuits.

SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL in the field of Computer Design Systems

Head - Anatoliy Ivanovich Petrenko, prof., Doctor of Engineering, Honored Science and Techniques Worker, Laureate of State Prize of Ukraine
Period of activity
1970 – lasts until now

05.13.12 –
Systems of automation of design works

8.080402 – Information technologies of design

50 Candidate's dissertations and 5 Doctorate dissertations (A.I. Petrenko, Y.M. Kalnibolotsky, S.V. Denbnovetsky, V.G. Abakumov, O.Y. Tetekbaum, L.S. Globa) are prepared on the Department.